Is God calling you to teach Family Sunday School? Come have fun with our youth and their families! The week of your choosing, you will receive lesson information and your mission will be to reinforce Pastor Kristen’s message for the week. But also, if you are interested in leading a specific topic, Biblical Hero, story, or theme, please do let us know. Please sign up to be a teacher for Family Sunday School today! Sign up sheet will be in the narthex or you can contact us HERE.

Our Church School program aims to teach that God's love is for all, no matter what.

Age Groups

Children ranging in age from 3 years to 9th grade are invited to come and learn with us. Classes are grouped according to age and development.

Who teaches?

All of our teachers are volunteers from our congregation. Every person who works with our children and youth is required to have a background check, and is a well known member of the congregation. Parents who are interested are welcome to come and observe a lesson.

Where do I pick up my kids?

After church, parents come upstairs to the classrooms to pick up their students. For safety's sake, we keep the students in the classroom until a parent/guardian can come.

Children's Chapel

On the first Sunday of the month, children ages three and up are invited to participate in Children's Chapel. This is a kid-friendly worship service that's designed to engage kids in various aspects of worship, as well as give our kids a chance to lead each other in prayer and song! It begins at the same time as the regular service, with all children being brought back to the sanctuary in time to be served Communion with their families.

Summer Sunday School

Every summer we combine our classes and have special lessons together as one group! Our associate pastor writes interactive lessons that follow one theme all summer long and include opportunities for play, service, creativity, and learning. Themes in summers past have included: Heroes: Then and Now, Fruit of the Spirit (a summer of service), and more!


Acolytes begin and end worship for the whole congregation by carrying in and out the light of Christ to our altar candles. Boys and girls in the 4th grade and above are invited to be acolytes. Recruiting and training usually takes place in the Fall.

Offering and Benevolence

At the beginning of each year, the classes vote on a choice of charities to support. Each Sunday they are invited to give a small offering to support that charity. In the past, the Sunday School has chosen to support Heifer International, Safe House, Project Linus, and Doctors Without Borders, among others.


FCC Riverside is open to baptizing both children and adults. As a community, we see baptism as a ritual that welcomes a person into the larger body of Christ, and do not require that the one being baptized be previously associated with our congregation.