"The Golden Way"

“ We know this, deep down. Someone somewhere said this to us, even if we were not church kids. Teachers and other well-meaning adults told us to remember the Golden Rule. Yet if we randomly asked folks walking down the street in Riverside what the Golden Rule actually is we might discover that few really know what it is. This week at FCC we will take a look at this part of Scripture known as The Golden Rule and the many hopeful promises around it. Here we will discover together these golden promises of scripture—the directions, the actual rules we are directed to follow when we are oppressed, frustrated, disturbed, mistreated and generally annoyed by some of God’s people. If you are not feeling oppressed, frustrated, disturbed, mistreated or generally annoyed by anyone at all, you might consider taking this Sunday off because you have probably already mastered The Golden Rule."




Youth Sunday

Today we celebrate Youth and Family Sunday at FCC. On the last Sunday of every month the children, youth and families of FCC lead and fill the roles of our service. We have a robust FCC Family Ministry and Family Sunday School following the service each week. All children and families of all types are welcome to join this ministry where parents can meet with other parents and kids make new friends.






Online viewers can now download sheet music at


Mailing address: P.O. Box 1648, Riverside, CA 92502

To make a donation to the church online, please click the button below:

Please note: PayPal charges a service fee, so your donation will go farther if you drop it off at our Parish House or send a check to our P.O. Box!


We hope that everyone will use good judgment and continue to respect those who prefer to keep their masks on and practice social distancing. We will still provide hand sanitizer at the entrances and a mask upon request.  We encourage you to stay home when feeling ill and to join us for service on one of our online formats. We have appreciated your support during this challenging time.

- The Safety and Reopening Committee

Live Streaming and Photography Notice

When you enter a First Congregational Church of Riverside (also known as FCC Riverside) service or event, you will be entering an area where photography, video and audio recording or live streaming may occur.

First Congregational Church of Riverside  takes photographs and/or makes audio and/or video recordings of members involved in church related activities. Staff and/or participants may use such photographs or video records to recall activities or participants. In addition, such photographs and audio/visual recordings may be used in FCC Riverside's publication and marketing materials to let others know of our ministries, and/or streaming and website hosting of services.

By entering the church or event premises, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for live streaming, promotional purposes, inclusion on web sites, and/or any other purpose by FCC Riverside. You release FCC Riverside, its clergy, employees, laity, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, and/or publication of photographs, computer images, video and/or sound recordings.

By entering the service or event premises, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by FCC Riverside or the person or entity designated to do so by FCC Riverside. If at anytime you find a photo or video on our website or YouTube channel that you prefer to have removed for privacy or safety reasons, please contact the office.

If you prefer not to be recognized on camera, the back row inside the church are not within viewing distance of a camera and Communion will typically be only on a wide-shot where it will be difficult to recognize congregants.

You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the church or event.


If you’ve been thinking of signing up as a Lay Reader and/or to bring Altar flowers - please do!  The sign up sheets will be on the foyer table before and after Sunday services.  Thank you!


If you sign up to provide flowers, PLEASE be sure to send your dedication to fccoutlookonline@gmail.com, the Thursday before your scheduled date.  Thank you!


Our church is in need of people willing to learn how to run the livestream and sound system on Sunday mornings.  The more people we have, the less we have to worry if a regular member of the team has an emergency or is going out of town.  It's not that difficult, and we can even send you a video tutorial to start! Plus, you get an amazing view of the service from above!
Please use the contact us if you can be part of the team.  Thank you!